
Chili’s Manager Sexually Harassed Her, And Her Coworkers Blamed Her

Sexual HarassmentEmily Houser was sexually harassed for two years by Chili’s manager. When Houser put in her two weeks’ notice and contacted corporate headquarters, they relocated Chili’s manager and coworkers harassed her for the manager’s transfer.

Houser told Buzzfeed “over a two-year period, it just kind of escalated into him providing me with gifts of significance and money and flowers and cards and things that I wasn’t really accepting of, things that made me extremely uncomfortable because I was not sure what he expected of me from these gifts.”

Davidson was a popular manager and the staff likely blamed her for his transfer, Houser said. “On his last day, at this party, the general manager of our store as well as him were both there laughing and cutting cake with everyone,” she said.

One of the workers who made the “F*ck Emily Houser” cake posted it on Instagram, and several workers commented “#teamjosh.”

Previously, when someone got fired, the staff often trash-talked that person behind their back — though in the context of Houser’s harassment, what once could have been casual workplace gossip took on the form of something more sinister.

If you too have experienced harassment in the workplace, don’t keep quiet and fight back. Contact us today for a free consultation.