Call Now! (800) 598-7993
We fight to protect your rights as an employee, and to obtain the compensation and benefits that you deserve.
We protect your rights as an employee, and work to ensure that terminations are not done unfairly.
Discrimination is prevalent in a myriad of forms, whether apparent or not. We fight to protect your rights and to put an end to workplace discrimination.
No one should be forced to work in an uncomfortable or hostile work environment, especially on the basis of gender or gender identity. Together, we can put an end to it.
Everyone should be properly compensated for time spent working. That’s why our attorneys fight to recover back pay or lost wages when your employer violates wage and hour laws.
Many illegal employment practices affect a large number of past or present employees. We fight on behalf of these employees to put an end to these illegal practices.
The California Employment Legal Group was founded with a commitment to protect the rights of employees in California. Since its inception, the attorneys at the California Employment Legal Group have successfully represented many employees, achieving superior results and earning the respect of our clients and other legal professionals.
The employment lawyers at the California Employment Legal Group specialize in protecting the rights of employees from unfair employment practices, including wrongful termination, discrimination, and sexual harassment in the workplace.
The attorneys at the California Employment Legal Group are dedicated to protecting the rights of all California employees, one case at a time, with the individual attention and respect every case deserves.
California’s state employment laws allow employees to have rights, and for their employers to have responsibilities. California’s laws give employees a sturdy base to stand on when they need to make a claim or file a lawsuit against their employer. The California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) prevents employers with five or more employees and job applicants from being discriminated against because of a protected class. This means that an employer cannot discriminate against a person based on sex, gender, age, race, pregnancy, disability, or other protected class the law covers.
The California Family Rights Act is a state law that ensures employers who have 50 or more employees will provide leave for the birth of a child, and the parent will not have to fear their job will not be there when they return. Employers who have five or more workers have to give a sensible amount of time for up to four months due to pregnancy, childbirth, or a related medical condition. There are a multitude of laws in the state of California that prevent employees from being discriminated against and retaliated against.
Employers also do not always have the authority to terminate an employee, demote him or her, or to choose another job applicant if they are doing so for the wrong reasons. If that is the case, an employee can then take legal action against their employer. It is imperative that you discuss your case with experienced lawyers in the state of California to help decide the best course of action.
Both federal and state laws protect employees in Los Angeles and in the state of California. Federal employment laws apply to every person in the country, regardless of which state they reside in. These protections were created due to years of discrimination and harassment acts in the workplace. States, on the other hand, have their own freedom to pass individual state employment laws. California tends to be an employee-friendly state that takes the entire process very seriously. The following laws are federal laws that protect you as an employee in the city of Los Angeles.
Employment law is not just about what is right and what is wrong in the workplace, it is about an employee’s financial security and their future with an employer. With the help of our attorneys at California Employment Legal Group (CAELG), you will have the ability to take control of your life and prevent your discriminatory or negligent employer from deciding your future.
Our attorneys represent people in Los Angeles and throughout the state of California in their employment-related cases. Whether it is a wage and hour dispute, or a discrimination case, CAELG will supply excellent legal advice that will allow you to reach your goal. Our team of seasoned employment attorneys take pride in knowing that we exclusively represent employees in California –– not employers. Our CAELG lawyers have a notable amount of combined experience in managing the specific issues employees face in today’s workplaces.
Here at California Employment Legal Group, we know what is at stake when a person loses their job, or if they have to work in a hostile workplace environment on a daily basis. Our law firm takes employment cases on a strict contingency-free basis. This means that you will only need to pay attorney’s fees if we are able to obtain financial compensation for you. We also offer complimentary meetings where you can speak to us, and we can decide whether your case has merit.
Southern California employees have counted on us for committed legal services, ethical advice, and aggressive litigation in the face of adversity. We work for you, and when an employer tries to take advantage of you, harasses you, or causes you any harm, you have the potential of taking legal action against them. With our assistance, you will be guided through the entire process, and we will ensure that you understand your rights. Call (800) 598-7993 to schedule your free consultation today.